Empowering the best version of you

At HFM we believe that everyone has the ability to thrive and lead a fulfilling life and we are committed to providing the support, guidance and tools individuals and communities need to achieve this.

We envision a world where mental health and balance are the norm, employees are empowered to face work challenges and supported in their pursuit of joy, further evolvement, purpose and meaning in life.

Our work is grounded in the principles of positive psychology which emphasises the importance of cultivating strengths, building resilience and fostering well-being.

Our mission is to offer innovative interventions, tools, and practical approaches that enable employees to optimize their performance, enhance productivity, accomplish their objectives and diminish work-related burnout, and empower organizations to foster compassionate leadership.

We have always wanted to be happy

  1. Socrates, Aristotle, Confucius & the Buddha

    have already began trying to understand and pursue happiness and virtue.

  2. John Locke

    first publishes the phrase “pursuit of happiness” in “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding”.

  3. Thomas Jefferson

    borrows the concept from Locke and positions the pursuit of happiness next to “life” and “liberty” in the US constitution.

  4. William James

    develops the understanding that happiness as a concept is created, not discovered.

  5. Abraham Maslow

    creates his hierarchy of needs, which terms the concept of happiness “Self-Actualisation” and places it at the peak of the pyramid. He is also the first to use the term “positive psychology”.

  6. Martin Selingman & Ed Diener

    conduct their study at Uoll, coin the term “Subjective Well Being” and relate it to positive psychology.

  7. Martin Seligman

    proposes the PERMA(H) model in his book “Flourish”. (The H comes later.)

What the numbers say

When people have higher levels of wellbeing they are..
more likely to feel engaged
more likely to be more productive
more likely to be satisfied in their jobs
less likely to experience unhealthy days
less likely to burn out
less likely to quit
fewer safety incidents
lower absenteeism
lower turnover
more likely to be seen as creative and innovative
higher customer ratings
higher over average shareholder return
Source: The Wellbeing Lab 2018
Australian Workplace Report

How can we help you today?

Amplifying employee's performance

Our founder

Angele Papantoniou
Founder, Positive Psychology Practitioner (MAPP) & Specialist in Character Education
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

- Charles Darwin

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